Croatian representatives visited best practice LIFE projects in Hungary

Croatian representatives visited best practice LIFE projects in Hungary

Croatian National Contact Point (NCP) for Programme LIFE organised a visit to successful LIFE Environment projects in Hungary from 9 to 11 of October 2018 as a part of the Croatian Capacity Building Project.

The aim of the visit was to raise awareness of benefits from LIFE project for the environment, nature protection and climate action. Visit was organised in cooperation with Hungarian national contact point for the LIFE programme and LIFE project representatives.

Participants of the visit were form relevant Croatian public institutions that operate in the area of environmental protection. They had the opportunity to hear about project application, project goals, implementation activities and about difficulties they are facing in the implementation phase.

Organisation of such events is an opportunity for transfer of knowledge and establishment of potential partnership.

Presented projects:

LIFE13 INF/HU/000827 FIRELIFE – Hungarian forest fire prevention and training program

LIFE13 INF/HU/001163 LIFEinFOREST – Improved communication, cooperation and capacity building for preserving biodiversity in Natura 2000 forests

LIFE13 ENV/HU/001092 INSECTLIFE – Innovative Real-time Monitoring and Pest control for Insects

LIFE08 ENV/H/000292 MEDAPHON – Monitoring Soil Biological Activity by using a novel tool: EDAPHOLOG System – system building and field testing

LIFE15 GIE/HU/001048  LIFE-FOODWASTEPREV – Food waste prevention in the food chain to support the implementation of the 7th Environment Action Programme