Networking meeting of LIFE beneficiaries held in Zagreb

The HR National contact point for the LIFE Programme organized a one-day networking meeting of LIFE beneficiaries on February 29th in Zagreb entitled Results and impacts of LIFE projects in Croatia.
The meeting brought together over 60 participants – Croatian coordinators and partners on active LIFE SAP projects, and seven new LIFE projects with Croatian coordinators/beneficiaries from the 2022 Call were presented (IMPROVE RIVER LIFE, LIFE RE-TIGHTS, LIFE EU SHARKS, LIFE RESTORE FOR MDD, LIFE ORNAMENTALIAS, LIFE TETIDE, LIFE BauhausingEurope).
In addition, we showcased the progress of selected projects from the LIFE 2021 Call – LIFE WILD WOLF, LIFE H2OBUS, LIFE for Mauremys, LIFE Together for 1.5 and LIFE SUPport, and presented the Technical Assistance for Replication Call (TA-R) which will be included once more in this year’s Call.
In the second part of the networking event we opened the floor for discussion and exchange of beneficiaries’ experiences. We’re glad to say that it was fruitful – challenges, first-hand advice and ideas for new projects were exchanged.
Thank you to all the participants and we look forward to seeing you at our next events!