LIFE UNIFY – Bringing the EU together on climate action

Duration of the project:
1.9.2019. – 31.8.2022.
Total value:
€ 2.772.365
EU co – financing:
€ 1.524.797
Beneficiary coordinator:
Climate Action Network Europe
Center for Transport and Energy, Society for the Design of Sustainable Development, 92-Gruppen, Estonian Fund for Nature, Focus Association for Sustainable Development, Germanwatch Nord-Sud Initiative eV, Réseau Action Climat – France (RAC-F), Sociedad Española de Ornitología SEO / BirdLife), ZERO – Association for the Sustainability of the Earth System.
Web page: LIFE UNIFY
About the project:
“Unify: Bringing the EU together on climate action” aims to facilitate the effective and early transition of Member States across Europe to low carbon and resilient economies by unifying three key policy opportunities: programming of EU funds, National Energy and Climate Plans (NECPs) and national and the EU’s Long Term Strategies.
Through its targeted activities in 10 Member States and at the EU level, the Unify project showcases that if these three key EU policy processes are consistent, ambitious and in line with the Paris Agreement objectives, they could help all EU Member States to step up climate action.
Through underlining the importance of alignment between the national and the EU’s long term strategies, National energy and climate plans and the local level climate and energy action plans (SECAPs), the UNIFY project reminds the importance of consistency in climate action at different levels.
Expected results:
- Formation of 10 national and 1 pan-EU UNIFY Support Groups to facilitate regular and open dialogue between UNIFY project beneficiaries, key stakeholders, and decision-makers
- LIFE UNIFY Toolbox: user-friendly quantitative and qualitative tools to accelerate transformational change in the implementation of NECPs
- Assessment and monitoring of implementation of NECPs across 10 target MS
- Informing the programming of EU funds in 10 target MS to optimize implementation of NECPs
- Identification of transformational opportunities within transport, agriculture and energy policies to leverage progress towards 2030 goals
- Supporting municipalities to develop or improve SECAPs and strengthen links with NECPs in 6 target MS
- Replication and Transfer: Connect NSAs and decision-makers on a pan-EU level to generate higher ambition in the EU towards achieving 2030 goals
- Build capacity of NSA and LRAs within 10 EU MS to work on EU programming of funds, NECPs and Long term Strategies
- Assessment and monitoring of national Long Term Strategies, highlighting coherence with EUlevel LTS, NECPs, and Paris Agreement commitments