I-SharE LIFE – Innovative solutions for electric travel sharing in small and medium-sized urban areas LIFE17 ENV/IT/000212

I-SharE LIFE – Innovative solutions for electric travel sharing in small and medium-sized urban areas LIFE17 ENV/IT/000212

Duration of the project:

1.7.2018. – 30.6.2021.

Total value:

€ 5.801.450

EU co-financing:

€ 3.398.535

Beneficiary coordinator:

Italy FNM – Public Transportation Holding


E-VAL – E-car sharing company Italy, NORDCOM – I-Share Tehnological platform Italy, ASSTRA – Project dissemination Italy, POLIEDRA (Politecnico di Milano – Sustainable Mobility – Scientific Partner Italy, DYVOLVE d.o.o. Croatia and the City of Osijek, Croatia.

Web page: I-SharE LIFE

The main goal of I-SharE LIFE is to reduce pollutants and atmospheric loads, especially PM10 and NO2. This target is in line with climate targets, ie reducing greenhouse gas emissions in road transport and urban mobility. A total of 50 electric cars will be used in demonstration activities in four cities in Lombardy, Italy, and an additional 8 e-cars will be used in demonstration activities in Osijek, Croatia.

The general objective of I-SharE LIFE is to reduce the number of conventional internal combustion vehicles circulating in cities, thus reducing the atmospheric load of pollutants in the mentioned urban areas. Also, the goal is to prove the technological and economic feasibility of the transition to shared electric cars in small and medium-sized urban areas in Italy and Croatia. Focusing on small and medium-sized urban areas also provides innovative opportunities for replicability and transferability to the same or similar urban areas.

Project goals:

  • Environmental objectives:

I-SharE LIFE will demonstrate an innovative model of electric car sharing aimed at pollution and greenhouse gas emissions from road traffic and at reducing pollutants and mitigating greenhouse gas emissions in small and medium-sized urban areas (between 35,000 and 115,000 inhabitants).

  • Market takeover goals:

Forecasts of the world market of shared cars range between 4 and 7 billion. US dollars in 2020. Europe is considered the largest market with a projected value of 2.1. billion US dollars in 2021. The current market in the United States, Europe, Asia and the Pacific is estimated at 0.65-1 billion. Euros in 2015 with a European share of 61% in shared car memberships worldwide and 66% in the number of vehicles released, amounting to around € 400 million. The shared car market is expected to quadruple in the years 2016-2020, and by 2024, an annual growth rate of up to 35% is estimated. The I-SharE LIFE business and marketing plan aims to help take over the market in small and medium-sized urban areas, an unobtrusive market for shared car services.

  • Demonstration goals:

I-SharE LIFE is aimed at demonstrating the technological and economic viability of shared electric car service models designed for smaller urban areas of Lombardy and Croatia, with the aim of helping to increase the acceptance of shared electric mobility in different urban contexts. I-SharE LIFE includes specific sustainability and the ability to replicate and transfer activities, thus seeking to ensure economic viability in 5 demonstration areas and replication in a further 34 areas.

  • Communication goals:

I-SharE LIFE seeks to raise awareness of opportunities related to shared electric car services to generate interest in project areas, in businesses and in the public at the regional, national and international levels. Diverse activities, such as communication, dissemination and networking will contribute to project communication at a higher level. Demonstration of economic viability, by including a beta tester and a co-design process that intends to involve all relevant stakeholders and which seeks to overcome barriers to behavior and achieve change in behavior.

Expected project results:

  • Environmental objectives:

The environmental objectives are, in terms of pollutants, a reduction of about 800 kg/g in NOX, 900 kg/g in CO and 84 kg/g in PM10 and, in terms of greenhouse gases, a reduction of about 270 t/g CO2.

  • Market takeover goals:

The focus of the project is on cities with about 35,000 to 115,000 inhabitants, ie in urban areas where the entry of e-vehicles and car sharing services are widespread and not as obvious as in larger urban areas. The application of innovative I-SharE business models of e-carsharing and the I-SharE technology platform is expected at demonstration sites.

  • Demonstration goals:

I-SharE LIFE includes specific actions of sustainability, repeatability and transferability, aimed at guaranteeing economic feasibility at 5 demonstration sites and replicability at a further 34 sites, 17 in Lombardy in Italy and 17 in eastern Croatia.

  • Communication goals:

Expansion activities will disseminate information about the I-SharE LIFE project using the most effective ways to ensure maximum visibility, optimal exploitation and application of project results arising from the five I-SharE business models to be implemented in Italy and Croatia. In particular, relevant websites, articles on thematic magazines (more than 2,000 people known), newsletters (more than 4,000 people known) and the like, leaflets and channels on social networks (eg LinkedIn – about 500 contacts in constant expansion) will be used. for communication; given the general and local expansion and networking activities, events will be organized (about 100/150 visitors expected), a technical workshop (about 50/80 visitors expected) and partner meetings.