LIFE DELFI – Dolphin Experience: Lowering Fishing Interactions LIFE18 NAT/IT/000942

Duration of the project:
1.1. 2020. – 31.12. 2024.
Total value:
€ 4.867.500
EU co – financing:
€ 2.920.500
Beneficiary coordinator:
National Resarch Council (Italy)
L’Area Marina Protetta (AMP) Isole Egadi, Marine Protected Area of Punta Campanella, Consorzio di Gestione Area Marina Protetta Tavolara Punta Coda Cavallo, Area Marina Protetta “Torre del Cerrano” Co.Ges., Blue World Institute for Marine Research and Protection , Filicudi WildLife Conservation, Legambiente Onlus, University of Padua – Department of Comparative Biomedicine and Food Science, Università degli Studi di Siena – Dipartimento di Scienze fisiche, della terra e dell’ambiente.
Web page: LIFE DELFI
About the project:
The main aim of DELFI is the reduction of dolphins mortality caused by fishing activities. This will be achieved through a reduction of interactions between dolphin and professional fishing in several areas, both in Italy and Croatia, by innovative technical solutions related to fishing gears and the development of additional economic activities.
In particular, the implementation of the project actions will allow to reach ambitious outcomes, such as:
- Reduction dolphin-fishing interaction through the experimentation and the diffusion of new Bycatch Reducer Devices and alternative fishing method
- Reduction of intentional killing episodes and fishermen’s economic losses, due to the fish spoiled or subtracted from nets and to the damages caused by dolphins to fishing gear
- New generation pingers, alternative gears (pots) and visual deterrent produced and disseminated, involving at least 150 vessels and 350 fishermen
- Training courses for dolphin watching operators
- Information, advice and technical assistance service addressed to the fishermen, to support them about funding opportunities, the use of deterrent systems and the transition from fishing activity to dolphin watching.
Expected results:
- a Dolphin-friendly Code of conduct will be prepared and adopted
- Dolphin Rescue Teams will be activated
- advocacy activity to promote the introduction of compensation measure at regional level for fishermen damaged by dolphins will be carried out
- the scientific data collected during the concrete actions will be provided to public administration with the aim of fostering the designation of new Natura 2000 marine sites
- a Dolphin WatchApp will be released
- a communication campaign for citizens named “A dolphin as a friend” will be launched