LIFE ECOMETHYLAL – High quality methylal from non-recyclable plastic waste with the help of an improved process Catalytic Hydro-Gasification by Plasma LIFE15 ENV/ES/000208
Duration of the project:
1.9.2016. – 31.8.2019.
Total value:
€ 2.039.142,00
EU co-financing:
€ 1.031.678,00
Beneficiary coordinator:
AIMPLAS – Technology Center for Plastics
MI-PLAST DOO; Croatia, Acteco Products Y Sevicios; Spain, BluePlasma Power S.L .; Spain, AIRESA S.L, Spain
LIFE-ECOMETYLAL aims to implement a highly profitable methyl production technology called Catalytic Hydro-Plasma Gasification (CHPG) (owned by one of the partners) for the treatment of existing non-recyclable plastic waste (NRPW): automotive, electro-electronic and packaging waste, according to established according to EU policy. Consequently, sending NRPW to landfills will be dramatically reduced and a new eco-product commercialized (by recycling materials).
The second goal is the production of industrial quality methyl from NRPW (0.8 kg of methyl/kg of plastic waste). This product replaces petroleum-based solvents with a large reduction in environmental impact.
The project works on two main problems: recovery of “heavy” plastic waste and dependence on raw materials derived from fossil fuels.
The proposed technology, which has not yet been used to treat NRPW, will be demonstrated at a pilot plant set up in Spain. The plant will operate continuously, increasing efficiency and reducing energy consumption. This plant will then be delivered and implemented in Croatia to test the replication potential, which should be high due to its compact and modular plant configurations.
The produced methylal will be placed on the market as an eco-material in various sectors (eg plastic, chemical, automotive). LIFE ECOMETHYLAL will contribute to the implementation of the Resource Saving Europe Guide, the Circular Economy Action Plan and the European Directives on: packaging and packaging waste; waste electrical and electronic equipment; waste vehicles, and waste disposal.
Expected results:
- Production of 2.88 tons of methyl from waste sources, while reducing CO2 emissions by 2.07 tons, more than 107.300 MJ per pilot plant.
- Implementation of a cleaning process for plastic recovery
- Improved economic and environmental efficiency of recycling firms to achieve EU waste-free targets (thereby improving competitiveness)
- New jobs: an average of 15 jobs per plant
- Replicable strategy for plastic waste recovery in other EU countries