LIFE.SU.SA.FRUIT Integrated pest control (IPM) with low application of insecticides in sustainable and safe fruit production LIFE13/ENV/HR/000580
Duration of the project:
16/6/2014 – 16/12/2017
Total value:
€ 1.839.378,00
EU co-financing:
€ 901.938,00
Beneficiary coordinator:
Faculty of Agriculture, University of Zagreb
University of Turin, University of Bologna, Agra, Apofruit, Xeda
Web page:
The LIFE.SU.SA.FRUIT project aims to establish an environmentally friendly system of fruit production and storage management by more efficient use of resources while not endangering food safety. The aim of this project is to develop, implement and demonstrate an economically viable strategic plan for the implementation of integrated plant protection, promoting the use of small amounts of chemicals during fruit growing and storage procedures in typical Croatian and Italian agro-ecosystems.
Specific objectives of the project:
- Carry out innovative procedures in the plantation, such as the installation of insect nets and the use of biological control agents and post-harvest, eg hot water treatments
- Encouraging procedures aimed at reducing pesticide use
- Through reduced use of pesticides, reduce their harmful impact on the environment and workers who are exposed to the risk of harmful effects of pesticides in their work
Expected results:
- Reduction of the chemical load for manufacturers (eg reduction of about 50% of insecticides and about 25% of chemical agents used against diseases and pests)
- Reducing agricultural costs and increasing producers’ profits – saving money and energy due to the use of insect nets (eg savings of around € 300-500 / ha for insect control)
- Reduction of fruit losses from pests and fungal diseases (at least 20%)
- Increase in fruit quality (based on parameters such as firmness, color, acidity, sugar) (eg increase in sugar content of 1-1.5 ° Brix in apples) due to the influence of nets
- Reduction of pesticide residues (reduced number of insecticide and fungicide treatments – 60%, and additional removal of pesticide residues through hot water treatments) and consequent increase of food safety and reduction of risks to consumer health and the environment (eg lower water, soil and air pollution)