Circular economy and quality of life

The Circular Economy and Quality of Life sub-programme aims to facilitate the transition to a sustainable, circular, energy efficient and climate-resilient toxin-free economy and to preserve, restore and improve the quality of the environment, either through direct interventions or by supporting the integration of these objectives into other policies.

LIFE will therefore continue to co-finance projects in the environmental sector, in particular in the area of ​​the circular economy, including the remediation of waste resources, water, air, noise, soil and chemicals, as well as environmental management. The sub-programme provides mainly action support to projects that apply innovative solutions and best practice solutions in these areas through the so-called Standard Action Projects (SAP). It also covers the implementation, monitoring and evaluation of EU environmental policies and laws through the so-called Strategic Integrated Projects (SIP). The European Commission will continue to seek solutions ready for implementation in near market conditions, on an industrial or commercial scale, throughout the project.

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