Croatian representatives visited best practice LIFE projects in Slovenia and Italy
The Croatian National Contact Point (NCP) for Programme LIFE organised a visit to successful LIFE Nature and biodiversity projects in Slovenia and Italy from 24th to 27th of October 2017 as a part of the Croatian Capacity Building Project. The main goal of the visit was to raise awareness of benefits from LIFE programme, facilitate transfer of knowledge and know-how from Italian and Slovenian projects to potential Croatian beneficiaries.
The tour gathered 27 participants or potential beneficiaries who represented different Croatian national, regional, public bodies and NGOs that operate in the area of nature and biodiversity protection. The tour programme envisaged 7 projects in total, out of which four were Slovenian (SloWolf, LIFE DINALP BEAR, LIFE ARTEMIS, LIFE DOPPS) and three Italian projects (LIFE MIPP, CSMON-LIFE, LIFE MAGREDI GRASSLANDS). The visit was organised in cooperation with Slovenian and Italian LIFE NCPs and project representatives. Participants had a chance to hear about the project goals, implementation activities, problems and the solution of the problems, benefits of implementing LIFE projects, possibilities for policy uptake and replicability through experts` lectures and demonstrations of project activities.