Dates for the Sixth call for applications of the LIFE EU City Facility (EUCF) announced: 15 January to 15 March

Dates for the Sixth call for applications of the LIFE EU City Facility (EUCF) announced: 15 January to 15 March

The LIFE European City Facility (EUCF) provides financial support to municipalities in the European Union, Iceland and Ukraine, to enable them to develop investment concepts for their sustainable energy and energy efficiency actions.

The 6th Call for applications will be open from 15 January to 15 March 2024 and will offer €60,000 in lump-sum payments to 70 selected local governments. EUCF will also provide hands-on support for local actors to develop their investment concepts. as well as capacity-building and matchmaking opportunities for beneficiaries, all geared towards getting your project ideas one step closer to being matched with either private or public financing.

The grant (60.000 €) may be used for technical feasibility studies, legal analysis, market analysis, and much more.

Who can apply?

Municipalities and local authorities, groupings of municipalities/local authorities as well as local public entities aggregating municipalities/local authorities located entirely in the European Union
Member States (EU-27), in Iceland or Ukraine are all eligible to apply to receive EUCF support.

Local and regional energy agencies can be hired by the beneficiaries for the development of an investment concept for their projects on sustainable energy.

Preparation starts now

The EUCF Funding application process is a competitive one that takes some time to complete. Therefore, we are urging Local Authorities to begin their applications as soon as possible.