LIFE crOss renoHome – Croatian One Stop Shop for Integrated Home Renovation
Project number:
LIFE22-CET-crOss renoHome/101120096
Duration of the project:
1. 10. 2023. – 30. 9. 2027.
Total value:
EU co-financing:
919,017.65 €
Coordinating beneficiary:
DOOR – Society for Sustainable Development Design (Croatia)
Croatia Green Building Council (Croatia), Energy cooperative KLIK (Croatia)
Project description:
Building renovation can generate multiple social, environmental, and economic benefits, making it a unique opportunity for climate neutrality and COVID-19 recovery. It has been estimated that 97% of all buildings will need to be upgraded by 2050. However, the EU’s weighted annual renovation rate is low, at around 1%.
The main barriers to energy efficiency include shortages of finance, split incentives between owners and tenants, insufficient knowledge on current consumption, and a lack of information about renovation measures. In housing, specific barriers include fragmentation of the demand-side mass market, heterogeneity of the building stock, high transaction costs, and mistrust of renovation providers. Due to their vulnerabilities, circumstances, and characteristics, a significant share of households can be regarded as being hard-to-reach with traditional energy policies, financing schemes, and business models. Also lack of easily accessible incentives and financing products is often mentioned as a barrier. Building owners often do not have the expertise necessary to make decisions and require professional assistance.
The general objective of this project is to establish and organise a comprehensive marketplace and one-stop-shops for homeowners and experts and for these to serve as a central point for all crucial incrOss renoHome project will provide full-service holistic renovation packages for homeowners – a guide through the whole customer journey with the aim of renovation processes unification in the entire territorial scope which will ultimately lead to intensification of renovation projects of family houses and multi-apartment buildings in Croatia, thus making them more energy efficient and fossil fuel independent while retaining the same (or creating even better) indoor quality and comfort. Moreover, the project will reduce energy demand in of a private housing sector and its CO2 emissions and alsoand set pathway towards nearly zero-energy buildings.