LIFE AskREACH – Providing REACH information to consumers about chemicals in articles via IT tools LIFE16 GIE/DE/000738

Duration of the project:
1.9. 2017. – 31.8. 2022.
Total value:
€ 6.996.368,00
EU co-financing:
€ 4.195.600,00
Beneficiary coordinator:
Umweltbundesamt (CB UBA), Germany
Green Action; Croatia, Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz Deutschland e. V .; Germany, Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology; Luxembourg, Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences; Germany, The Danish Environmental Protection Agency; Denmark, Swedish Chemicals Agency; Sweden, Baltijas Vides Forums; Latvia, Association for Consumer Information; Austria, GLOBAL 2000 Umweltschutzorganisation; Austria, Ecologistas En Accion; Spain, Buy Responsibility Foundation; Poland, Arnika – Toxics and Waste Program; Czech Republic, Baltic Environmental Forum Germany; Germany, National Observatory of Athens; Greece, European Environmental Bureau; Belgium, Institut National de l’Environnement Industriel et des Risques; France
Web page: LIFE AskREACH
The goal of the LIFE AskREACH project is a high level of protection of human health and the environment. The project provides incentives for manufacturers, importers and downstream users of chemicals to replace “Substances of Special Concern” (SVHC) with appropriate alternatives. REACH also analyzes suppliers of articles (solid items, eg furniture, textiles, electronics, etc.) that contain SVHC in a concentration above 0.1%. In general, awareness of the need to replace SVHC has increased significantly, but market participants and downstream stakeholders (manufacturers and sellers of items) as well as consumers are often unaware of the presence of SVHC in items.
The aim is to improve the replacement of SVHC in articles, by increasing market demand for non-SVHC articles and to encourage industry participants to identify SVHC in their articles. The proposal does not focus directly only on industrial processing or certain products or substances, but contributes to reducing exposure, raising awareness and finally changing purchases:
- Raising consumer awareness of hazard information and market participants in their duties under REACH as importers, manufacturers, users and retailers
- Encourage manufacturers, importers and downstream users of chemicals to replace SVHC with suitable alternatives.
Expected results:
- Central European information system for communication with SVHC data in articles
- A single application for consumers across Europe (almost three million downloads) to send requests to suppliers
- SVHC database/articles, which will be entered into companies
- REACH supply chain communication, which supports companies in the supply chain organization
- Two major campaigns in 13 countries (including 395 events such as info days, seminars and trainings) that will reach around 6 million participants in three years
- 3 million consumer requests for information, encouraged by AskREACH, which will oblige companies to provide answers (and thus strengthen supply chain communication)
- Improved SVHC communication and replacement, leading to a significant reduction in SVHC
- 250 suppliers directly involved in 15 companies, which use supply chain communication
- Strong support from REACH authorities and support services from EU Member States.