LIFE-COMET – Coalitions for Community Energy Catalyzation in Eastern EU

Project number:
Duration of the project:
1. 11. 2023. – 31. 10. 2026.
Total value:
1,578,764 €
EU co-financing:
1,499,825 €
Coordinating beneficiary:
ZEZ – Green Energy Cooperative (Croatia)
Partners: – European federation of citizen energy cooperatives (Belgium), SCE – Social Cooperative Enterprise (Greece), Tallin Technical University (Estonia), Solidarity Economy Center (Hungary), Focus Association for Sustainable Development (Slovenia), Plz Spoldzielnia (Poland), Cooperativa de Energie (Romania)
Project description:
LIFE-COMET aims to create community energy coalitions at national level in Eastern European countries and support pioneer energy communities in Greece, Croatia, Romania, Hungary, Slovenia, Poland and Estonia. On the one hand, the coalitions will foster the collaboration of key stakeholders at the national level to transforming enabling frameworks and make procedures and regulatory contexts more supportive for community energy. On the other, the project intends to deliver training and technical assistance to new energy community projects and enable peer to peer exchanges in the region. The project will also support the replication of the energy community coalitions and the tools developed to other non-pilot countries in the area, thus scaling up the impact and further increasing the number of community energy initiatives in in eastern part of the EU (Latvia, Lithuania, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Bulgaria). The LIFE-COMET consortium consists of 8 partners from 8 different EU member states including cooperatives, NGOs and academic partners which are among the frontrunners in the context of community energy in the focus member states.