LIFE OrnamentalIAS – Prevention and management of adverse impact of ornamental invasive alien plant species on endangered habitat types and species of EU importance

Project number:

LIFE22-NAT-SI-LIFE OrnamentalIAS/101107725


Duration of the project:

1. 10. 2023. – 30. 9. 2029.


Total value:

7,860,114 €


EU co-financing:

4,716,068 €


Coordinating beneficiary:

The Institute of the Republic of Slovenia for Nature Conservation – IRSNC (Slovenia)



Public Institution of Zagreb County Zeleni prsten (Croatia), Faculty of Agriculture of University of Zagreb (Croatia), Sora Development Agency (Slovenia), Slovenian Water Agency (Slovenia), Chamber of Agriculture and Forestry of Slovenia (Slovenia), Public Institute of Notranjska Regional Park (Slovenija), CAFS Celje (Slovenija), Arboretrum Volčji Potok (Slovenia), Simbio – Waste Managementy Company ltd.


Project description:

Invasive alien species are one of the biggest threats to biodiversity. Many invasive alien plants (IAP) have been introduced as ornamental plants and their spread into nature threaten species and habitats of EU importance (Council Directive 92/43/EEC). To address pathways, LIFE OrnamentalIAS tackles ornamental IAP on three levels: prevention, early warning–rapid response (EWRR) and management. Prevention is addressed through awareness rising and supported by communication with stakeholders and general public to diminish new introductions of ornamental plants into nature from urban areas and garden waste (GW) disposal. To achieve communication objectives an assessment of invasiveness of available ornamental plants and code of conduct will be prepared with participation of stakeholders, more effective GW management will be developed, and research on alternative use of IAP material will be conducted. EWRR will be upgraded in the agriculture and water management by educating river water protection supervisors and agricultural consultants. Upgraded EWRR system will prevent further spread of IAP, halt and reverse loss of wildlife habitats and species, and enable successful eradication or at least management of the IAS of Union concern (Regulation (EU) No 1143/2014). Effective methods of IAP management will be developed, considering the efficiency of habitat restoration. 100 ha of habitats of EU importance will be restored and the IAS of Union concern and other IAP, which mostly threaten targeted habitat types, managed. Project results will be sustained by permanently including key activities to different plans which will be implemented mostly after the project. Results will be transferred to other areas and sectors and will be an important basis for further research and development. Slovenia – Croatia transnational knowledge transfer and common development of the activities are an important part of the project.