LIFE SMAFIN Expanded – Supporting smart financing implementation for energy renovation of existing private and/or public buildings, investments in SMEs and the tertiary sector

Project number:



Duration of the project:

1. 10. 2023. – 30. 9. 2026.


Total value:

933,158 €


EU co-financing:

886,500 €


Coordinating beneficiary:

CRES – Centre for Renewable Energy Sources and Saving  (Greece)



REGEA – North West Croatia Regional Energy and Climate Agency (Croatia), Croatia Green Building Council (Croatia),  Jožef Stefan Institute (Slovenia), INZEB – Institute of Zero Energy Buildings (Greece),  pRO-nZEB Cluster (Romania), Romania Green Building Council (Romania), EnEffect Consult ltd. – Center for Energy Efficiency (Bulgaria)


Project description:

The overall aim of this proposal is to support smart financing implementation of energy efficiency investments expanding the successful SMAFIN roundtables thematically adding tertiary sector and SMEs to the outstanding one of buildings and geographically, welcoming Slovenia to the team of Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece and Romania. The proposal intergrades the experience gained in the first phase and proposes ways of timely response to the major challenges faced by the energy sector in recent years. Identifying gaps such as need for deeper investigation of certain topics, assure of privacy to certain stakeholders, it employs the thematic working groups. Besides, cross-country labs are launched to transfer know how on energy efficiency financing and introduce European practices across European Union countries and beyond contributing to common responses to energy challenges, strengthening the collaboration in a wider Balkan region and thus facilitating energy transition. The SMAFIN Expanded will enhance the structured dialogue and co-operation established in the first phase gathering government, local and regional authorities, financial sector, Energy Service Companies (ESCOs), homeowners, industry sector, construction sector and Small and medium-sized enterprises (SME), consumers and citizens associations aiming to upgrade policy measures, develop or upgrade financial instruments and support the development of large-scale investment programmes that mobilise private finance for investments in energy efficiency.