LIFE ENSMOV Plus – Evaluation, Quantification and Strengthening of the Implementation of the Policies and EM&V under Article 7 of the EED

Project number:



Duration of the project:

1. 12. 2022. – 30. 11. 2025.


Total value:

2,097,841 €


EU co-financing:

1,992,942 €


Coordinating beneficiary:

Institute for European Energy and Climate Policy (IEECP)



Energetski institut Hrvoje Požar, Austrian Energy Agency (AEA),  Regulatory Assistance Project (RAP), Fraunhofer-GesellschaftAssociation Technique Énergie Environnement (ATEE)Centre for Renewable Energy Sources and Saving (CRES), University of Piraeus Research Centre (UPRC), Hungarian Energy and Public Utility Regulatory Authority (MEKH), FIRE Italian Federation for the Rational Use of Energy, Lithuanian Energy Agency, Krajowa Agencja Poszanowania Energii S.A.,  Ministry of Energy of Romania, Jožef Stefan Institute


Project description:

ENSMOV Plus will directly support public authorities and key stakeholders in 11 Member States represented by its consortium (IT, FR, GR, AT, DE,PL, RO, HR, HU, SI, LT) in implementing the Article 7 recast EED requirements. More specifically it will assist them to monitor, improve complement and evaluate the design and implementation of their energy efficiency policies by developing resources on practical issues they face. As the implementation of the Article 7 EED has shown, public authorities have limited time and resources to share experiences at the EU level and, as previous and current projects (EC H2020 ENSMOV, MULTEE, EPATEE) demonstrated, the opportunity to share experiences is very welcome by public authorities. To find implementation challenges and solutions for energy efficiency obligations (EEOs) and alternative measures and monitoring and verification EMV schemes, and proper evaluations of their policies, ENSMOV Plus has designed an experience sharing programme with a structured set of thematic workshops to address Article 7 EED requirements. These exchanges are underpinned by technical support to ensure that experience sharing results in positive impacts and actual improvements of policy implementation and monitoring. An important tool for active engagement of public authorities will be the upgrade of the Article7EED platform (developed under IEE ENSPOL and currently ENSMOV projects). This programme will cover several crucial EMV and policy implementation topics and is expected to result in improved capacity of 150 unique participants (at least 45 public officers). These will all lead to a smoother transition in the new Article 7 EED era under the Fit-for-55 package.