LIFE OdysseeMure fit-4-55 – Monitoring the Energy Efficiency Pillar for Climate Neutrality
Project number:
LIFE21-CET-POLICY-OdysseeMure fit-4-55/101075902
Duration of the project:
1. 10. 2022. – 31. 3. 2025.
Total value:
1,950,645 €
EU co-financing:
1,853,113 €
Coordinating beneficiary:
L’Agence de l’environnement et de la maîtrise de l’énergie (ADEME)
Energetski institut Hrvoje Požar, Austrian Energy Agency, Federale Overheidsdienst Economie (KMO, Middenstand en Energie), Sustainable Energy Development Agency (SEDA), The Cyprus Institute, ENVIROS, s.r.o., Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, Danish Energy Agency, Instituto para la Diversificación y Ahorro de la Energía, TalTech – Tallinn University of Technology, Enerdata, Motiva Ltd, Centre for Renewable Energy Sources and Saving (CRES), Hungarian Energy & Utilities Regulatory Agency, Sustainable Energy Authority Of Ireland, Agenzia Nazionale per le Nuove Tecnologie, l’Energia e lo Sviluppo Economico Sostenibile (ENEA), Klima-Agence G.I.E., Lithuanian Energy Institute, Fizikālās Enerģētikas institūts, Energy and Water Agency (EWA), Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy of Netherlands, Netherlabds Organisation for Applied Scientific Research, Institute for European Energy and Climate Policy (IEECP), ADENE – Agency for Energy, Central Statistical Office of Poland, Ministry of Energy of Romania, Borg & Co AB, Swedish Energy Agency, Slovak Innovation and Energy Agency, Institut Jožef Stefan
Project description:
ODYSSEE-MURE “Monitoring the Energy Efficiency Pillar for Climate Neutrality” aims at supporting policy makers in EU Commission, Member States (MS) and Energy Community (EnC) countries to implement the framework of the EU Energy Efficiency Directive (EED) as efficiently as possible at national level. It provides updated, well-experienced, user-friendly databases and web-tools for monitoring and evaluating impacts of EE policies. The ODYSSEE database and facilities contain and analyse latest available energy demand and energy efficiency indicators. The MURE database and facilities contain and analyse energy efficiency policies and measures. These tools have been successfully used in the past and will be extended from 27 EU MS to 9 EnC countries, supported by a specific buddy system from selected partners of the EU27. New tools, such as a web-based Energy Efficiency Policy Assessment Tool and a Policy Radar, will strengthen capabilities of EU MS and EnC. The project will enhance, update and modernise ODYSSEE-MURE tools and databases for support to EU MS and EnC through regional and national training events as well as dissemination channels such as country/sector profiles, newsletters, policy briefs, webinars and social media. In addition, we disseminate the analysis developed in this project, through cooperation with the European Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (eceee) that organises the most important energy efficiency events, and which gathers policy makers, researchers and industry. We further disseminate the results through cooperation with international/ regional organisations such as the Energy Community Secretariat, the International Energy Agency IEA, EEA, UN-Cepal/Eclac and OLADE. ODYSSEE-MURE has a decentral, though harmonised, approach combining a strong Technical Coordination (ADEME, Enerdata, Fraunhofer ISI) with a large number of National Teams (EE agencies), and an efficient project management structure adapted to the large number of partners.