Net4LIFE – Network for LIFE National Contact Points
Project number:
LIFE21-PRE-CY-Net4LIFE/ 101086620
Duration of the project:
1. 2. 2023. – 31. 7. 2025.
Total value:
838 094.62 €
EU co-financing:
796 188.89 €
Coordinating beneficiary:
Ministry of agriculture, rural development and Environment of Cyprus
Ministarstvo gospodarstva i održivog razvoja (HR), Green Fund (EL), The Ministry of Environment, Water and Forests (RO), L’Union Wallonne des Entreprises (BE), The Icelandic Centre for Research (IS), Ministry of the Environment (EE), Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor (SI)
Project description:
Net4LIFE will be a project serving the scopes of the Call for “Fostering the Network of LIFE National Contact Points”. Net4LIFE is an intervention aiming to stimulate international cooperation amongst LIFE-NCPs, towards an improved, more effective, more consistent, and professionalized service across Europe. Hence, Net4LIFE facilitates exchange of knowledge and experience between LIFE-NCPs across Europe, thereby strengthening their competences, capitalizing on best practices and tools, and improving the overall support provided to LIFE-applicants; thus increasing overall successful participation. Condensing literature relevant to knowledge management and transnational capacity-building, as well as capitalizing on lessons-learnt by paradigm-projects funded by the EU as NCP network-projects, Net4LIFE will follow the methodologies, techniques, practices and approaches of: Networking through transnational intercultural cooperation; Capacity-Building through knowledge-sharing and experience-sharing; Expertise-sharing and KnowHow-exchanging through twinnings and staff-visits; Skills-enhancing through network-wide trainings and hands-on working events; and network-wide tools development through capitalizing on and updating existing tools and best practices.