National co-financing secured for SAPs in 2022 Call

The Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development, in cooperation with the Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund, has secured national co-financing for standard action projects competing in LIFE 2022 Call.
Application documents are available here (in Croatian).
The Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund will co-finance Standard Action Projects that are selected for financing from the LIFE Programme for 2022 in the amount of up to 50% of the remaining amount that the user must provide independently.
The call is open for submission from today and closes on 13 September 2022.
The right to use the funds of the Fund for direct co-financing can be exercised by the following categories of users of the LIFE Programme: trading companies and other legal entities, local and regional self-government units and state administration bodies, civil society organizations (associations), as well as other budgetary and extra-budgetary beneficiaries. National co-financing will be awarded to those projects that meet the conditions from the public call.
IMPORTANT: Project applicants who apply for funding from the Fund, when applying for a project via the Funding & Tender opportunities portal, have to allow the National Contact Point to view their project application in such a way that in the part related to the entry of participants they add Nikolina Petković Gregorić with the email as a Contact person while assigning her the role of Team member – read only access.
LIFE Launch Info Day held on 25 May 2022