Webinar | LIFE: Stepping up to save bugs

Datum događanja: 18. lipnja. 2020

LIFE program organizira webinar o zaštiti beskralježnjaka, LIFE: Stepping up to save bugs u četvrtak, 18. lipnja od 10:30 do 12:00h.

Na webinaru možete dobiti informacije o važnosti beskralježnjaka u novom LIFE programu i novoj Strategiji Europske Unije o bioraznolikosti te čuti iskustva, preporuke i sugestije za pripremu projekata vezanih za beskralježnjake.

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We are very pleased to inform you that LIFE programme will host a webinar entitled LIFE: Stepping up to save bugs on Thursday 18 June from 10.30h. – 12.00h. CET.

In 2020 as well as in the following years, the LIFE programme aims at receiving more applications for funding on invertebrate conservation, including those implementing the EU Pollinators Initiative.

This webinar will therefore:

  • Inform about the importance of invertebrates in the new LIFE programme and EU new Biodiversity Strategy
  • Present the findings of the ex-post study of 20 LIFE projects on invertebrates, including recommendations for future projects
  • Share the experience of a completed LIFE invertebrate project from the beneficiary point of view
  • Encourage more LIFE funding applications on the invertebrates
  • Receive suggestions from participants on how the LIFE programme can better address invertebrates

Save the date! To register, just click the link below and fill out the form. You will receive the link to join in the coming weeks.




Feel free to share all this information within all relevant networks in your country, we will be pleased to have many attendees joining the event.
To know more about what LIFE programme has done in the field of invertebrates conservation, you can have a look at our latest factsheet Protecting Europe’s threatened invertebrates and also at the summary report LIFE and invertebrates: Stepping-up to the challenges.