LIFE INFO dan u Bruxellesu – 31. 05. 2017.
Ovogodišnji LIFE INFO dan u organizaciji Europske komisije održat će se 31. svibnja 2017. u Bruxellesu u sklopu “EU Green Week”.
Europska komisija organizira LIFE INFO dan s ciljem informiranja svih potencijalnih prijavitelja o LIFE programu, uvjetima i novostima ovogodišnjeg natječaja.
Otvaranje natječaja najavljeno je za 28. travanj 2017. te će INFO dan biti prilika za sve koji su u mogućnosti doći u Bruxelles te dobiti informacije i odgovore od predstavnika Europske komisije i Agencije za srednje i malo poduzetništvo (EASME).
LIFE INFO dan namijenjen je svima koji planiraju prijaviti projekt na Program LIFE, a zbog ograničenog broja sudionika potrebno je izvršiti registraciju koju možete pronaći na poveznici:
LIFE INFO dan biti će i prenošen uživo, a prijenos će biti dostupan na internetskoj stranici „EU Green Week“.
Nacrt dnevnog reda pogledajte u nastavku, a više informacija potražite na:
Draft programme
10:00- 11:30 | Information session – Part 1
LIFE 2017 call for project proposals – A new opportunity for green jobs and growth. The EU’s LIFE programme has been funding nature conservation, green technology and climate action projects all over Europe for more than 25 years. LIFE-funded projects have created profitable green businesses with sustainable jobs contributing to the emergence of a green jobs market. At this information session participants will learn about opportunities for project funding under the 2017 call for proposals on close-to-market environmental solutions, biodiversity, and climate change adaptation and mitigation. Speakers:
12:00-13:30 | Information session – Part 2
LIFE 2017 call for project proposals – A new opportunity for green jobs and growth. Current LIFE project beneficiaries will provide you with best practices in designing a successful project and will address some of the typical challenges. This session will focus on issues such as building a meaningful partnership, realistic planning, and estimating a cost-effective budget. |
14:30-16:00 | Networking session
Participants interested in applying for LIFE funding will have the chance to find potential project partners or seek advice from European Commission experts and National Contact Points in one-to-one meetings. Once registered to the LIFE side session, you will be invited to upload your profile in a matchmaking tool to help you find matching profiles and set up bilateral meetings. |
Pronađite partnera za LIFE projekt